Rock the Vote's Message to Asian America: Use the Hand of Power

Rock the Vote's latest effort targets Asian-American Millenials, with a super-cut dance video to get them to the polls in the midterm elections.

Rock the Vote's newest public service announcement comes in the form of a super-cut, special-effects-laden, dance video aimed to get Asian American Millenials to the polls in the November midterm elections. Rock the Vote/'Hand of Power'

Fresh off the viral success of their "Turn Out for What" public service announcement, Rock the Vote is counting on the "Hand of Power" to inspire Asian Americans, particularly Millenials, to register and vote in the upcoming November midterm elections.

“As the fastest-growing racial demographic in the U.S., this community wields considerable political clout," said Ashley Spillane, Rock the Vote's president, in a statement. "It is crucial that we ensure they use the power of their vote to voice what issues are important to them and affect change in their lives, their community, and our country.”

Despite the potential to play a key role in the next elections, Asian Americans have some of the lowest voter turn out rates in the country, particularly among younger members of the population.

The minute-long video stars Filipino actor-dancer Gabriel Valenciano -- of "Super Selfie" dance compilation video fame -- and actress Amy Hill. Hill magically appears across the table from a bored-looking Valenciano to inspire him into action.

"We can affect change in the next election!" she says. "You must vote. You have the hand of power!"

A super-cut dance sequence, special-effect lasers, humans in full-body animal costumes, and music ensues.



--Amna Nawaz