Diplomatic Muscle: Yes, This is the Ambassador to Finland's Holiday Card

Bruce Oreck, the body-building, bombastic ambassador to Finland, wanted you to have a pumped-up holiday season.


Bruce Oreck, the body-building, bombastic ambassador to Finland, wanted you to have a pumped-up holiday season.

Oreck, who was a major Obama donor and bundler before being appointed to the post in 2009, has gotten headlines before for showing off his sizable biceps in his annual (unofficial) holiday card.

And 2014 was no different for the brawny Mr. Clean body-double and son of vacuum magnate David Oreck.

But, this year, he promised to keep his festive greeting “simple” and free of “controversy” by offering up only an all-American image.

Which meant this:

Oreck's official holiday card was much more subdued.

- Carrie Dann contributed