Holder Mum on Whether David Petraeus Will Be Charged

Eric Holder on Meet the Press said a final decision hasn't been made about former CIA Director David Petraeus' mishandling of classified information.


Attorney General Eric Holder refused to answer if he had made a final decision about whether former CIA Director David Petraeus should be charged with mishandling classified information.

Over the weekend, federal officials told NBC News that prosecutors handling the case against Petraeus have recommended that charges be filed. It is up to Holder to decide whether the facts assembled by the FBI, and the case built by prosecutors, merit going to court.

"I think that anybody who shared information that led to that report did so inappropriately," Holder said. He declined to say whether he will make the decision about whether to charge Petraeus before he leaves office, saying it "will have to be decided by the appropriate people in the Justice Department."

— Sarah Blackwill