Asian-American Leaders Slam Bill as 'Anti-Immigrant'

Asian-American leaders are expressing outrage over a bill they deem "anti-immigrant," passed yesterday by the US House of Representatives.


Asian-American elected officials and community leaders are expressing outrage at the US House of Representatives vote to pass a bill with a number of provisions targeting President Obama's executive actions related to immigration.

On Wednesday, the House voted 236-191 in favor of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Appropriations Act of 2015 (H.R. 240). Asian-American leaders say this move could potentially affect about 4 million undocumented immigrants.

Congressman Mike Honda called attaching the amendments to the DHS bill, "a cynical political ploy."

“It is unconscionable for the Republican leadership to attach unrelated and unnecessary amendments to the funding bill for the Department of Homeland Security," said Honda.

OCA Asian Pacific American Advocates’ Acting Chief Executive Officer Ken Lee said he was, "outraged" that the House majority passed the bill.

“1.3 million APAs are undocumented. Their lives are not political capital," said Lee in a statement. "The livelihood of undocumented families should not be used as a bargaining tool in national security politics."

The bill is not expected to pass in the Senate, and President Obama has said that he will veto any bill that tries to dismantle his executive action on immigration reform.

Speaking before the House vote, and calling the amendments “toxic” and “cruel,” Congresswoman Judy Chu accused Republicans of playing games. “Republicans know this will not become law, so today’s debate only serves to placate an extreme wing of their party while making millions of hardworking and aspiring Americans afraid and unsettled," said Chu. "Undocumented or not, immigrants are integrated into our communities, and pulling a thread once woven just weakens the fabric.”