Stay Connected: Eero Promises Worry-Free WiFi Throughout Your House

Eero claims that three of its routers will blanket even large homes with full-speed wireless Internet — and it'll even assist you in setting it up.


If you live in even a modest-sized house or multi-room apartment, chances are there are a few places where the WiFi has trouble reaching. A new company called Eero aims to fix this problem by equipping your place with multiple small routers that get a signal around corners and behind thick walls. Eero claims that three of its routers will blanket even large homes with full-speed wireless Internet — and it'll even assist you in setting it up. A smartphone app is used to administrate the network and even to determine where the best place is to put the extra routers. No need to hide them in corners or under couches, either — they're handsome little devices.

Of course, as with most cool new gadgets, this one comes at a price. During the pre-order period, each Eero costs $125, with a three-pack running $300. That's 10 times the cost of an ordinary router — and when the Eero hits store shelves, the price will go up again to $200 each or $500 for 3. Worth the price? That's up to you.



—Devin Coldewey