First Read's Morning Clips

A roundup of the most important political news stories of the day.


OBAMA AGENDA: Selling the Iran deal

In an interview with NPR, Obama compared the Iran deal to a house under contract, saying the inspections and closing still await. And he said that conditioning the deal upon Iran's agreement to recognize Israel's right to exist would be a "misjudgement."

The AP's lede: "Defending an emerging nuclear deal, President Barack Obama said Iran would be kept a year away from obtaining a nuclear weapon for more than a decade, but conceded Tuesday that the buffer period could shrink to almost nothing after 13 or more years."

He had some not-so-gentle words for Scott Walker, saying that the Republican should "bone up" on foreign policy. "I am confident that any president who gets elected will be knowledgeable enough about foreign policy and knowledgeable enough about the traditions and precedents of presidential power that they won't start calling to question the capacity of the executive branch of the United States to enter into agreements with other countries."

The New York Times looks at how Bob Corker is playing a key role in the Iran issue.

Roll Call says Mitch McConnell is skeptical of the agreement after leading freshmen on a trip to the Middle East.

CONGRESS: McCain set for re-election

An exclusive scoop from Kelly O'Donnell: Sen. John McCain is seeking reelection, saying that he's "just getting started" at the age of 78.

Experts note that it used to be Democrats who prodded the Fed during tough economic times, not the GOP.

OFF TO THE RACES: Rand’s big day

PAUL: It's Rand Paul's big day. Here's our own Perry Bacon Jr. on why he's got a tough path to the GOP nomination.

Msnbc's Kasie Hunt notes that "Paul’s ideological and biographical roots also present a major challenge to his presidential aspirations — so much so that many Republicans privately believe he is incapable of winning the Republican nomination, let alone the general election."

The New York Times reports that we shouldn't expect to see much of Ron Paul during his son's campaign.

POLITICO lists the power players in Paul's campaign so far.

The Des Moines Register reports on the flood of presidential hopefuls heading for Iowa this week.

CARSON: Ben Carson, on Obamacare, in New Hampshire: "It's my own personal opinion that if you can control the most important thing a person has, their health and their healthcare, then you're well on the way to controlling every aspect of their life."

CLINTON: McClatchy writes: "Four oil-rich Arab nations, all with histories of philanthropy to United Nations and Middle Eastern causes, have donated vastly more money to the Clinton Foundation than they have to most other large private charities involved in the kinds of global work championed by the Clinton family."

The AP says that Clinton is expected to focus on "intimate events" and spending quality time with voters early in her campaign.

FIORINA: Jane Timm of writes that Carly Fiorina is sounding off on environmental regulations.

PERRY: “Former Gov. Rick Perry is imploring a state appeals court to take quick action in his criminal case, saying it's important not only for him but for his successor, Greg Abbott,” writes the San Antonio Express News.

WALKER: His home state paper writes that one of Walker's legacies will be reshaping the political process to help the GOP in his state.

And from around the country...

Chicago voters head to the polls today for the runoff election between incumbent Rahm Emanuel and Jesus "Chuy" Garcia.


*** Tuesday’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” line-up: NBC’s Andrea Mitchell interviews Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz, msnbc’s Chris Matthews, Fmr. RNC Chairman Michael Steele, Fmr. McCain campaign Senior strategist Steve Schmidt, the Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza, NBC’s Kelly O’Donnell and Pete Williams, UVA student Abbie Sharp and author Kate Andersen-Brower.