Democrats Divided on Whether Joe Biden Should Enter 2016 Race

Thirty percent of Democratic primary voters say they want to see Biden run, versus 38 percent who would prefer that he stay out of the 2016 contest.


More Democrats say they do not want to see Joe Biden enter the 2016 presidential race than those who want to see him take the plunge, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows.

Thirty percent of Democratic primary voters say they want to see Biden run, versus 38 percent who say they would prefer that the vice president stay out of the 2016 contest.

Thirty-one percent say they do not have an opinion on a potential Biden campaign.

Biden gets 15 percent support in the latest survey out Tuesday morning, while Sanders receives the backing of 29 percent of Democratic primary voters. Clinton leads the pack, winning 49 percent support in the hypothetical matchup when Biden is included.

Related: Joe Biden Nears Decision Time

If Biden does not run, the poll shows that Clinton's lead over Sanders would grow even more. Clinton would receive 58 percent support, while Sanders would get 33 percent.

No other Democratic candidate received more than two percent backing in either hypothetical matchup.

The NBC / Wall Street Journal poll was conducted October 15-18. The poll of 400 Democratic primary voters has a margin of error of +/- 4.9 percent.