Lin-Manuel Miranda Raps: 'Stop the Bleeding,' Help Puerto Rico

'Hamilton' creator Lin-Manuel Miranda is calling for financial relief on HBO’s show 'Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.'

Lin-Manuel Miranda performing on 'Last Week Tonight with John Oliver' and calling for financial relief to help Puerto Rico.Last Week Tonight with John Oliver / HBO
Lin-Manuel Miranda performing on 'Last Week Tonight with John Oliver' and calling for financial relief to help Puerto Rico.Last Week Tonight with John Oliver / HBO

House Speaker Paul Ryan got offered a free Hamilton performance in his living room if he did one thing — steer his fellow Republicans and members of Congress to pass legislation to provide relief for Puerto Rico's fiscal emergency.

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Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda wrote and perform an impassioned rap at the end of a segment on Puerto Rico on HBO’s show Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. Oliver dissected the Puerto Rico crisis in his inimitable funny but focused way and put attention on the escalating humanitarian crisis on the island.

Miranda said that Puerto Rico is akin to the Titanic; it is sinking and nobody is around to help save its citizens. Your citizens are suffering/Stop the bleeding/Stop the loss/Help Puerto Rico/It’s just 100 miles across.

This is not the first time Miranda urges the U.S. to take action on Puerto Rico; Miranda first urged Congress to pass a resolution to Puerto Rico’s debt crisis when Pres. Barack Obama invited the Hamilton cast to perform at the White House.

He also wrote an op-ed in the New York Times urging Congress to pass legislation.

RELATED: 'Hamilton' Star Lin-Manuel Miranda Goes 'Viral' With White House Freestyle

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