Tumblr Boosts Security With Two-Factor Authentication

Worried someone is going to take over your Tumblr full of cat gifs? This extra security layer should help keep hackers out.


Worried someone is going to get the login to your Tumblr dashboard and publish something that isn't a cat gif? You can now turn on two-factor authentication, making it so login attempts must be confirmed on your phone.

The feature, announced on Tumblr's official blog, has already been implemented by the likes of Google, Facebook and Twitter. Once set up, it requires any logins to your account or changes to certain settings — password, for example — to be sent to your phone for confirmation.


This prevents, for example, a hacker who has obtained your usual username and password via phishing from using that to enter your account. The unique code needed to complete the login would be sent to your phone, so unless the hacker has that too, their nefarious actions have come to an end.

You can set up two-factor authentication in the settings section of your Tumblr account.