Beekeeper Poses for Bizarre Fashion Feat

Chinese man wears 100-pound suit made of live bees.

She Ping is covered with a swarm of bees on a small hill in Chongqing, southwest China, on April 9, 2014.AFP - Getty Images

A Chinese beekeeper undertook a bizarre challenge Wednesday, standing still for 40 minutes as thousands of bees created a cloak covering his entire body.

She Ping, 34, was eventually covered in a suit of bees weighing an estimated 100 pounds. More than 460,000 bees were used in the feat, according to local media reports cited by Reuters and Agence France-Presse.

Assistants use burning incense and cigarettes to drive bees away from the face of She Ping. He used queen bees to successfully attract thousands of bees.CHINA DAILY / CHINA DAILY via Reuters