Rescued Pigs Served to U.K. Firefighters as Sausages

The 18 piglets and two sows were rescued after an electrical fault set hay on fire at a farm in Milton Lilbourne, 70 miles west of London, in February.

Free range Domestic pig, UKErnie Janes/NPL / Getty Images

LONDON — Young pigs that were saved from a fire in southwest England earlier this year have been served to their rescuers as sausages by the farmer who wanted to thank the firefighters for their efforts.

The 18 piglets and two sows were rescued after an electrical fault set hay on fire at a farm in Milton Lilbourne, 70 miles west of London, in February.

Free range domestic pigErnie Janes/NPL / Getty Images

And when the pigs were slaughtered, farmer Rachel Rivers said it was appropriate to give the firefighters some of the sausages to show her appreciation.

"I'm sure vegetarians will hate this," Rivers told the BBC, explaining that farming was her way of life.

"I wanted to thank them. I promised them at the time I'd bring down some sausages for them, which they were all pleased about."

A spokesman for the fire service said the sausages were "fantastic" and thanked Rivers for her generosity. The fire service later told NBC News that, "we recognize that this story has caused offense to some — we apologize for this and such have removed the post."