National School Walkout: interactive of student walkouts across the country

The National School Walkout, with over 1,000 protests organized so far, is just one of several upcoming events being held in wake of the Parkland shooting.


Thousands of students and organizations across the country are joining in school walkouts in honor of those who died in the Parkland, Florida, shooting last month and to call on legislators for stricter gun laws. On March 14, at 10 a.m. ET, administrators, allies, and students of all ages will collectively leave classrooms in protest of Congress’ “inaction” on gun reform.

The National School Walkout, with over 1,000 protests organized so far, is just one of several upcoming events being held in wake of the Parkland shooting, including the March For Our Lives in Washington, spearheaded by the Parkland students, on March 23. The March 14 walkout is led by the Women’s March’s Youth EMPOWER group.

Select your state below to see where they are being held:

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