FDA Prepares to Regulate E-Cigarettes

The Food and Drug Administration is proposing new rules for e-cigarette makers.


The e-cigarette business is booming -- it’s now a $2 billion-a-year industry and growing fast. Up until now, it was virtually unregulated. But all that is about to change. The Food and Drug Administration is beginning the process of laying down new rules for e-cigarette makers.

The first-time FDA proposal includes banning sales to minors, eliminating vending machine sales, no longer allowing unsubstantiated health claims and including clear warnings about the risk of nicotine addiction. While many believe this is a step in the right direction, others feel it doesn’t go far enough. TV advertising and the sale of flavored e-cigarettes, which many experts believe are targeted toward young people, will remain permissible.

FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg says it's time the FDA extend its authority to cover e-cigarettes, and make sure the public is not only safe, but also informed about any potential health dangers these products may bring.

We'll have more tonight on NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams.