'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' for May 30

Read the transcript to the Tuesday show


Guests: Lorie Dunfield, Jeff Lanza, Deann Smith, Lawrence Kobilinsky, Gail DiSabatino, Jim Souers, Timothy Fuhrman, Rick Segall, Fawn Broadbent, Flora Jessup

RITA COSBY, HOST:  And good evening, everybody.

We begin with breaking news right now out of Dulles, Virginia.  You are looking at pictures from Dulles Airport, where a United Express flight made an emergency landing just a short while ago.  Apparently, Shuttle America Flight 7512, flying from Houston, Texas, to Dulles, declared an emergency because the nose gear would not go down. 

There are reports that, when the plane landed, there were a good deal of sparks.  Fire crews used foam to smother any possible flames.  And here is what we know about the passengers.  We understand as many as three passengers were hurt when the plane landed.  They have all been carried to hospitals for treatment.  Fifty-six passengers and four crew members were on board at the time. 

NBC News has been told that the plane is an Embraer 170.  Again, it sounds like no one seriously hurt.  Of course, we will keep you posted if there are any more developments on this case. 

And now to a bizarre murder that has a college town on edge, a Clemson University student found strangled to death.  The weapon, a bikini top. 

Now police need your help in finding Tiffany Souers‘ killer.

Joining us now with the very latest from Greenville, South Carolina, is reporter Kisha Foster with NBC affiliate WYFF.

Kisha, what do we know so far about the murder? 

KISHA FOSTER, WYFF REPORTER:  Well, Rita, this is truly a shocking case for the town of Central. 

This is a community of about 3,500 people.  You could equate it to a Norman Rockwell picture.  Just throw in a college town. 

What we know is that, let‘s say, Tiffany was found in her apartment strangled by a bikini top.  Investigators tell us they are—right now, they are trying to develop a timeline as to her whereabouts, what she was doing, who she was with, prior to her—to her death. 

Investigators tells us that she was out with friends Thursday night, about 11:30.  They dropped her off at her apartment between 11:30 and midnight.  They believe she was killed between 1:00 and 1:30.  And, then about 12 hours later, around 2:00 Friday afternoon, a friend returned to the apartment to return some keys.  They found her on the bedroom floor with that bikini top around her neck. 

Today, investigators returned to the apartment complex.  They removed the dumpster, searching for any clues that they could find, hoping to solve this case. 

COSBY:  You know, and, Kisha, and I also understand that they looked at the computer.  What were they looking for?

FOSTER:  The state law enforcement division, they did confiscate her computer.  They were checking her e-mails.  They also looked at her Web site, hoping to contact any friends, family members, anybody that may have any information about what could have happened to her. 

COSBY:  And, in fact, let me play a little clip, if I could.  This is from the prosecutor on the case, Kisha.


ROBERT ARIAIL, GREENVILLE COUNTY SOLICITOR:  Speculation is one of the things that leads to suspects having more information than they need.  And, at this point, we don‘t want them to know anything that we know until we are able to exhaust every possible lead. 


COSBY:  You know, Kisha, when you hear from that, it sounds like he‘s got a lot more details.  Have they interviewed people of interest?  And—and what type of people are they? 

FOSTER:  Solicitor Bob Ariail, they have not mentioned that they have interviewed people of interest.  They do tell us that they have some strong leads right now, no suspect, and no motive in the case, but they are basically not leaving any stone unturned.

They are talking to college people.  That‘s people in the community, people who may have been in the apartment complex Thursday night, into Friday morning.  They are just looking for any information that they could possibly get.

Solicitor Ariail did say that he will not give out many details in the case, because he wants to keep that in his arsenal, in a sense, so that when it comes down to prosecuting this case, he will have that evidence to back him up. 

COSBY:  All right, keep—please keep up posted.  Thank you very much.

And joining us now on the phone is Tiffany Souers‘ father, Jim.

Jim, first of all, our prayers go out to you. 

How are you and the family doing? 

JIM SOUERS, FATHER OF TIFFANY SOUERS:  Very, very difficult for us. 

This is—she was just a most fantastic child.  And, you know, obviously, the news was sudden.  We received it Friday evening.  And we were crushed by it, because we just had spent time with her a week before that. 

So, my entire—and she was a role model to my kids.  So, you know, we lost more than just kind of a child.  We lost a real leader in our family. 

COSBY:  You know, you say that, you know, you saw her just the week before.  Did she say anything, Jim, about anybody following her, any concerns she had? 

SOUERS:  No, not at all, not at all.

She was looking forward to getting back, as I‘m sure you‘re aware of.  She was at—doing summer school to try and get done with her engineering degree earlier than normal.  And, so, she just wanted to get that done, have her new roommate come in, and prepare for the summer. 

So—and she was in a great mood.  So, there—you know, and she was not the type to ever be stalked.  So, that—Tiffany was friends with everyone she met.  And I‘m telling you, she didn‘t make an enemy.

So, it‘s very—it‘s just very depressing to think that somebody had that amount of energy to kill her. 

COSBY:  Yes, and just horrible. 

SOUERS:  Just horrible.

COSBY:  You know, the—they say no signs of forced entry at this point. 


COSBY:  What do we know about her roommate or even her roommate‘s boyfriend? 

SOUERS:  We don‘t know much about that. 

I mean, her roommate was somebody she‘s known for a couple years.  So, it‘s not like someone new came in at the last moment.  The boyfriend, I‘m not that aware of, obviously.  And the community she lived in, the reserve is just, you know, an incredible community, where everybody hangs out, and there are open doors, and there‘s lots of kids. 

Now, of course, it was summer, so there were not as many kids.  But, still, that town is a place that any one of us would want to live in.  It‘s just an incredible community. 

COSBY:  Would she have let someone in if she didn‘t know them?  What type of person was your daughter, in terms of security?

SOUERS:  Tiffany was a very bright and confident person, but she also somebody that was smart enough to not—not let just anybody in. 

So, I—and there were two doors to her apartment.  I‘m not sure—I don‘t know for a fact if both were locked.  And, I mean, she had some self-defense.  She was reasonably strong.  She—she can take care of herself.  But, of course, you know, she was only 5‘4“.  And if you have got a guy that is 6‘4“ -- and I‘m not—I‘m just throwing the number out.

But if you take a big guy, it‘s—and no matter how much, you know, that‘s a tough, tough person to fend off. 

COSBY:  You bet.

You know, and do you believe, in your heart of hearts, sir, that maybe she knew this person?  Do you have any idea from any sense that you‘re getting from authorities? 

SOUERS:  I don‘t have any—the authorities are as tightlipped to me as they are to you guys.  And I respect that, because the more they let out, obviously, the more it can convolute the investigation and potentially hamper the ultimate capture of this person, which is mandatory. 

I mean, I hope everybody that is watching understands and can do whatever they can to try and find this person.  That‘s the only way to bring closure to this. 

But to answer your question, I—I would assume it was somebody she had at least met once.  I mean, I‘m not—which is different than, do you know the person?  Do you know what I mean by that?

COSBY:  And why do you believe that?  Why do you believe that, Jim?

SOUERS:  Just because, you know, I guess the facts are at this point there was no forcible entry. 

COSBY:  Well, Jim...

SOUERS:  So, you know...

COSBY:  ... we‘re putting up the number here.  And we want everybody at home to see this, Jim, because, as you point out, if somebody has any information that could lead to the arrest of who did this to your beautiful daughter, please call. 

SOUERS:  You know, and—and here‘s what‘s most important. 

Tiffany was a girl that deserved to be on this planet, because she brought—she just didn‘t bring a smile to the planet.  She brought great things.  She gave of herself more than, I‘m going to tell you, most people that you and I know.  And to—for her life to end at 20, almost 21, years old—she would be 21 August 18 -- is a true sin, given the fact that she had, for so long, been involved in so many charitable acts and so many opportunities to help other people. 

So, you know, every—every parent thinks their kid is beautiful and wonderful.  But I got to tell you, in this case, Tiffany has a resume to back it up.  And—and very few kids, at 20 years old, have a resume to back up they‘re a great kid. 

And I—it‘s hard not to be incredibly angry.  And, right now, we‘re incredibly sad, which makes it very confusing to us. 

COSBY:  Right. 

SOUERS:  And we‘re trying to deal with putting together the funeral and the visitation for tomorrow.  So...

COSBY:  Well, sir, our prayers are with you and this family.  And I wish we could do more.  But, hopefully, we can help get some folks to call in. 

If you saw any information, everybody, you see the number on your screen.  Please at least give this family some answers. 

And, Jim, we thank you during a very difficult time.  Thank you so much.

And, needless to say, students on and off campus are concerned about this case. 

With us now is Gail DiSabatino.  She‘s the vice president of student affairs at Clemson University. 

You know, Gail, we just heard from Jim.  And, needless to say, just a heartbroken family. 

How are students reacting there? 


UNIVERSITY:  Well, there‘s—there‘s a combination of shock.  There‘s sadness.  There‘s—there‘s grief. 

There are many students who knew Tiffany.  And they‘re very saddened by the whole thing.  They also are dealing with, you know, just watching the news and seeing their friend broadcast on the news as—as a victim.  And that‘s—that‘s heartbreaking for them.  So, it‘s—it has been very tough for students and for faculty and staff on the campus. 

COSBY:  Needless to say. 

Now, Gail, let me play—these are just a few of the comments from some of the students who have been talking there on the campus. 


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  It‘s weird.  And, I mean, it‘s scary that that would happen.  I can‘t imagine that happening to me.  But I‘m not worried about it. 

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  It‘s scary, but, you know, you just have to be careful.


COSBY:  Now, Gail, were there any problems at this apartment complex, any other reports from Tiffany or anyone else prior to this? 

DISABATINO:  Oh, no.  We have heard no reports. 

This is a community that is—I can‘t say we‘re crime-free, but I would say that—that this is a safe, quiet community, very friendly people, connect with one another.  So, no, there have been absolutely no concerns that—that we have heard of. 

COSBY:  And, Gail, real quick, because that—I have heard it‘s a great community.  And I went to school in South Carolina, not at Clemson, but I did go to school in South Carolina.

And, you know, people still have the open doors.  What are you doing now to help students?  What advice are you giving them, in light of the fact that someone has not been arrested? 

DISABATINO:  Well, we‘re giving them basic commonsense safety precautions that they should be taking, such as locking their doors and such as traveling with another, especially in the evening, letting someone know where you are. 

Things like Facebook, I think, are an important thing for young people to recognize when they put out information about themselves, Facebook and MySpace.com, that—that they need to be careful about what they put out there to the public, because there are lots of people that can read those kinds of things.  So, they‘re just basic commonsense safety precautions. 

COSBY:  Gail, thank you so much.  We appreciate it. 

And, everybody, when we come back, is there any evidence in this case that could lead cops to the killer?  That‘s coming up and a whole lot more.  Take a look.


COSBY (voice-over):  Still ahead: a videotaped crime so gruesome that it shook even the toughest cops.  Tonight, the couple accused of torturing, kidnapping and killing is behind bars.  Wait until you hear how the arrest went down. 

And new details in the hunt for polygamist cult leader Warren Jeffs—how long can he stay on the run?  Plus, wait until you see the great lengths abused women have to go to, to escape his freakish cult.  It‘s all caught on tape. 

And one year after Natalee Holloway vanished, we will show you how the cops bungled it all along.  Plus, I will ask her father about his next move.

He‘s coming up live and direct.




BREN SOUERS, MOTHER OF TIFFANY SOUERS:  Day by day, just sometimes hour by hour.  I mean, sometimes, we don‘t hold it together at all.  We just—we miss her.  And I think the world will miss her. 


COSBY:  And, tonight, police need your help solving the twisted murder of a college student.  Twenty-year-old Tiffany Souers was found strangled to death with a bikini top at her apartment near Clemson University in South Carolina.  And, so far, investigators have very little information to go on. 

We are joined now by Dr. Larry Kobilinsky.  He‘s professor of forensic science at John Jay Criminal College. 

Dr. Kobilinsky, you‘re great at putting this together.  Let me put up some of the details of what we do know so far, just as we piece it together.  She‘s strangled with a bikini top, found wearing a bra, no sign of forced entry, again, as we also heard from the dad, and no sign of struggle.  What do you make of all this? 


CRIMINAL JUSTICE:  Well, it could very well be that she had known the individual who did this.  That‘s certainly a possibility. 

The fact that there‘s no sign of a struggle and no obvious break-in means that she may have opened up the door to this individual.  But I think that, in addition to the investigation that we have just been talking about, I think that the autopsy report will reveal a great deal of information about what happened. 

That, plus the crime scene investigation, will be critical, because, you know, we know that when a person touches something or has visited a facility, a place, you are going to leave traces behind.  And perhaps those traces are hair, fibers, fingerprints, DNA.  They‘re there.  They may be microscopic and hard to find. 

And I don‘t think we can rule out a sexual motive here, based upon how she was found and...

COSBY:  Yes, let me ask you about that, Dr. Kobilinsky, because that‘s what‘s bizarre to me is.  She‘s wearing a bra.  She‘s found wearing just a bra.  And she‘s strangled with a bikini top. 

We don‘t know if it‘s her bikini top or not.  But why wouldn‘t you, you know, if you‘re—if you‘re a murderer, use her bra?  What does that say to you?  Is there some sort of sexual nature to this? 

KOBILINSKY:  It may very well be of a sexual quality, because of the way the body was unclad. 

But the fact that that bikini was used to strangle her means that the perpetrator had contact with that item.  And that may very well have DNA evidence, which could lead to a suspect, if this person were on the database from a previous crime. 

COSBY:  Now, that‘s a great point. 

Let me show up a timeline, too, because I think the timeline is critical.  We know that, at 11:30, she gets dropped off at her apartment by some friends.  They believe that the time of her death is somewhere between 1:00 to 1:30 in the morning. 

And, then, the next day, at 2:00, her roommate and the boyfriend come and in they find Tiffany.  Apparently, there is one report that she was actually in there returning keys, which was kind of strange. 

What do you believe, in terms of, who should they be interviewing now? 

Clearly, the roommate, clearly, the friends.  Who else, Doctor?

KOBILINSKY:  Well, certainly her classmates. 

She was attending summer session at Clemson, so those people would have had direct contact with her.  But it could very well be somebody that was in touch with her through e-mail, through her house phone, through her cell phone, other means of communication, any acquaintances.

There may have been somebody that she met at the school, at a bar.  You know, I don‘t know what her—where she went prior to this—this horrible thing happening.  But that is exactly what the police are going to be investigating, a day or two or more prior to this heinous crime. 

COSBY:  Doctor, thank you very much.  We appreciate it. 

And, everybody, want to put up this number again.  If you have any information, absolutely call authorities down there in South Carolina. 

And, also, everybody, we will stay on this case.  If we have any information, will make sure that we bring it to you as soon as possible. 

And now we‘re going to move on to another case, one of the sickest crimes that some police officers say they have ever seen.  Richard Davis and Dena Riley are behind bars, after cops say they kidnapped, raped and then murdered a 41-year-old woman, Marsha Spicer.  And the horrific crime was videotaped.

But get this.  A friend of the victim now says she told police recently about Davis‘ fantasy to violently rape and kill a woman. 

Joining us, Deann Smith—she‘s a reporter with the “Kansas City Star” newspaper—and also FBI Special Agent Jeff Lanza, who is working the kidnapping angle of the case.

Deann, first of all, they were in court today.  Tell us about that. 

DEANN SMITH, “THE KANSAS CITY STAR”:  Yes, Rita, they were. 

It was a bit of a surreal scene.  You had the family of Dena Riley there, as well as family and friends of Ms. Spicer.  And there was a sign displayed one of the—by one of the Spicer relatives, basically calling for the two defendants to get the death penalty.  And the court personnel had that sign removed. 

You had a relative of Ms. Riley‘s yelling out that “We love you” to Dena Riley, and then another family member complaining—proclaiming that they were the victims in the case. 

Ms. Riley sobbed throughout most of the hearing.  The two defendants never made eye contact. 

COSBY:  Well, quite a dramatic day in court, it sounds.

Deann, let me play a clip.  This is the mother of Michelle Ricci, because this may also be connected as well.  We had her on the show last week.  And this is what she had to say.


SHERRY BALLEW, MOTHER OF MICHELLE RICCI:  I saw my daughter, the 30th of March, and she was with Marsha Spicer.  And I have not seen my daughter since the 3rd.  I believe that, possibly, this couple has been involved with my daughter‘s disappearance.


COSBY:  You know, Deann, it sounds like a lot of connection there.  She knows the other woman who was murdered.  We know that a second body was found over the weekend. 

SMITH:  Yes, ma‘am.

COSBY:  What are you hearing from your contacts, Deann, if that was Michelle...


SMITH:  Well, they certainly—all indications are they believe that the—the body found in Clay County, Missouri, which is north of Independence, where the—the—the couple lived, that all indications are they believe it‘s in connection with this case.

And even more telling is, they have asked—they have asked the—the missing woman‘s mother and daughter for DNA samples, to give DNA samples, to help hopefully make a connection in that case.  I believe that the body was in a condition that DNA identification is needed for that.  And—but all signs seem to be pointing.

And law enforcement also today are, quite tellingly, letting us know that they didn‘t just happen upon this body in Clay County.  They were directed there, which certainly makes one wonder if one or both of the defendants are cooperating with investigators, now that they‘re here. 

COSBY:  You bet.

Let me ask Jeff.

Jeff, do you know if any of them are cooperating, or are more charges coming? 

JEFF LANZA, FBI SPECIAL AGENT:  Our investigation is focused right now on the kidnapping.  And that‘s concurrent—concurrent to what is going on in the homicide investigation.  So, I wouldn‘t be able to address that particular issue. 

COSBY:  You know, the kidnapping is a whole separate issue. 

I mean, these people just sound like terrible people, based on these allegations that are coming forward. 


COSBY:  The kidnapping is a 5-year-old girl.  Tell us about what happened there and how they got connected to that, real quick, Jeff. 

LANZA:  Well, we believe that, about 11:45 on Thursday, in the morning, they went to the parents‘ house of the 5-year-old girl, took her to a fast-food restaurant, and then left with her, without the permission of the parents.  And they were gone for about five hours, before they had the car accident and they were arrested.

So, we are trying to determine—the FBI is trying to focus on why they took her, what they took her for, where—where they went to, and what—what harm came to that child during that interim. 

COSBY:  And the girl is related, right, to the couple, and how so? 

LANZA:  We believe that she may be a niece of Mr. Davis in some form or fashion, not a—not a full 100 percent niece, but maybe a half-niece or a quarter-niece. 

COSBY:  Well, both of you, hang on.

I want to bring in now to conversation, joining us in her first national interview is the friend who tipped off authorities, Lorie Dunfield. 

Lorie, what tipped you off to authorities?  Why did you feel you had to go to them? 

LORIE DUNFIELD, FRIEND OF MARSHA SPICER:  Well, when I found out Marsha was dead, I just kind of put things together in my find mind, that the girl that gave Davis my number—and I met Davis, and he told me the things he wanted to do and showed me a videotape.

COSBY:  What did you see in the videotape? 

DUNFIELD:  Just of Davis and a girl having sex.  And, you know, there wasn‘t really violence in it, but just having sex and stuff.  And then he wanted me to be—have—participate in being a serial killer with him. 

COSBY:  Did he say that?  How did he say it to you? 

DUNFIELD:  He wanted me to help him kill women and get rid of the bodies.  And...

COSBY:  And what was your reaction?  I mean, this obviously just a stunning and horrible thing to hear from someone. 

DUNFIELD:  To get the heck out of there. 

COSBY:  And—and what did you do? 

DUNFIELD:  I left and never associated with him again. 

COSBY:  And did—when did you tell authorities?  After—after Marsha, your friend... 

DUNFIELD:  After Marsha was found, because the girl that gave my number was supposed to be his cousin. 

And, if you knew Marsha like I knew her, Marsha was very skittish about people, didn‘t trust people.  And it just started falling together, because the woman that was his cousin, I had a feeling that she might have took her around there. 

And it just all just come together in my mind.  So, I had told the officers what I was thinking and what he told me he wanted to do.  And I showed them where he lived.  And they went from there.  They took it from there. 

COSBY:  Well, thank goodness they caught these two people. 

Lorie, thank you very much for being with us. 

And, everybody, keep us posted on this case.  And we will see if they can an identification on that second body.

Everyone, still ahead, the real reason cops want to find polygamist cult leader Warren Jeffs.  We will show the dramatic video of how far women have to go to escape his cult. 

And next, it‘s hard to believe that Natalee Holloway‘s parents have been going for a year without answers in her disappearance.  Tonight, I will ask Dave Holloway where he‘s heading next in this case.


COSBY:  Well, it may be hard to believe, but today marks exactly one year since the disappearance of Alabama teen Natalee Holloway.  The high school senior vanished without a trace during a trip to the island of Aruba last May.  Since then, this case has taken so many twists and turns, but there is still no sign of the 18-year-old. 

MSNBC‘s Alex Witt takes a look back at this troubling investigation. 


ALEX WITT, NBC CORRESPONDENT (voice-over):  Mystery in paradise. 

May 30, gone without a trace, a desperate search under way on the island of Aruba, after 18-year-old Natalee Holloway fails to show up for her flight home to Alabama. 

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY, MOTHER OF NATALEE HOLLOWAY:  Natalee‘s bags were packed, and she is ready to come home. 

WITT:  Natalee was last seen getting into a car with three men outside a local nightclub.  She was out with friends, wrapping up a trip to the Dutch island to celebrate high school graduation. 

TWITTY:  She‘s an amazing 18-year-old girl and Natalee is truly an angel. 

WITT:  Five days after she vanished, the three young men who picked up Natalee tell police they left her at her hotel around 2 a.m.  Hotel workers say security cameras did not record her return.  Less than 24 hours later, two former hotel security guards are under arrest, the first official suspects in Natalee‘s disappearance. 

VIVIAN VAN DER BIEZEN, ARUBAN SPOKESWOMAN:  We have two suspects detained, and that doesn‘t exclude the possibility that others will follow. 

WITT:  June 9, 10 days into the mystery, more arrests.  Joran Van Der Sloot, the son of an Aruban legal official, and brothers Satish and Deepak Kalpoe, are arrested and questioned about Natalee‘s disappearance. 

ANITA VAN DER SLOOT, JORAN VAN DER SLOOT‘S MOTHER:  I believe 100 percent in my son.  Yes, I believe he‘s innocent. 

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  Can you talk to us about this morning?

WITT:  Just one day later a possible break in the case.  One of the three men allegedly admits something bad happened to Natalee the night she vanished but still no sign of the teen. 

June 13, the first two suspects, the hotel guards, are set free.  Four days later police arrest local party boat disc jockey Steve Croes.  He knew one of the Kalpoe brothers, already in custody. 

JUG TWITTY, NATALEE‘S FATHER-IN-LAW:  All I want is answers, and I want them now.

WITT:  June 18, it‘s Joran Van Der Sloot‘s father Paul who‘s brought in for questioning, and within a week he, too, is behind bars. 

A.            VAN DER SLOOT:  So bizarre that my husband is taken like this without any evidence. 

WITT:  After three days in jail, Paul Van Der Sloot is set free along with the deejay, Steve Croes. 

ARIE SWAN, PAUL VAN DER SLOOT‘S ATTORNEY:  There is no sufficient suspicion for guilt. 

DAVE HOLLOWAY, NATALEE‘S FATHER:  Everyone was surprised.  Even Paul Van Der Sloot himself was probably surprised by the verdict. 

WITT:  July 1, the investigation is a month old, and Aruban prosecutors say Joran and the Kalpoe brothers could be charged with murder, even though no body has been found.  Natalee‘s family is becoming increasingly frustrated. 

TWITTY:  We will do whatever it takes.  As I said from the beginning, I‘m not leaving Aruba without her. 

WITT:  Three days later, July 4, a judge releases the Kalpoe brothers but keeps Joran locked up. 

ANTONIO CARIB, JORAN VAN DER SLOOT‘S ATTORNEY:  Today he is continuing to maintain his innocence.

WITT:  July 25, Natalee‘s family announces a $1 million reward for her safe return. 

B.            TWITTY:  Given the sensitive nature of this case, the person who gives the information will remain anonymous. 

WITT:  And the very next day two new witnesses come forward.  One said he saw Joran Van Der Sloot drive to a local tennis club, trying to hide his face.  Immediately, police pump a large pond near the Marriott Hotel, hoping to dig up any clues. 

J. TWITTY:  It makes me feel better that we‘re bringing in more dogs, more radar equipment, everything.  And everybody‘s been down here searching.

WITT:  July 28, the other witness takes authorities to a landfill where he claims the 18-year-old‘s body was left. 

A month later, on August 26, the police make another big move.  The Kalpoe brothers are again under arrest.  Another man is also in custody,.  Joran Van Der Sloot‘s friend, Freddy Arambatzis. 


UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  Are you sure he‘s innocent?

ARAMBATZIS:  Of course I am.  This is nonsense. 

WITT:  But then, by the beginning of September, a dramatic turn of events.  On September 3 all four suspects in the Natalee Holloway case are released, this after lawyers argued there wasn‘t enough evidence to hold them.  Despite media attention, the case goes nowhere. 

B. TWITTY:  I certainly hope the fight for justice for Natalee has not ended in Aruba, because it‘s just beginning for our home front in the United States.

WITT:  Fast forward to February, 2006.  Aruban investigators quietly visit the U.S. to reinterview Natalee‘s friends, looking for any clues. 

B. TWITTY:  I think what they‘re trying to do is just close some holes in some of the statements that they said that some of the students gave. 

WITT:  February 16, Natalee‘s parents slap Joran Van Der Sloot with a civil lawsuit in New York.  The suspect was traveling to the Big Apple to tape a TV interview.

One week later, the Van Der Sloot special airs.  The teen once again professes his innocence.

JOE TACOPINA, JORAN VAN DER SLOOT‘S ATTORNEY:  When he came here after nine months of being called everything from a murder to a rapist to a predator and he came to defend himself.

WITT:  Aruban deputy police chief, Gerald Dompig, takes to the airwaves.  He say he believes Natalee may have died of a combination of alcohol and drugs. 

HOLLOWAY:  Natalee did not have any history of using drugs.  Not did she use drugs.  And none of her friends admitted that. 

WITT:  Days later, a new investigator officially takes over the Holloway case.  Gerald Dompig goes back to his old job.

April 11 a Dutch TV show airs a special re-enactment about Natalee‘s disappearance.  It airs in both the Netherlands and Aruba.  The program reports getting new tips.

B. TWITTY:  The toughest thing for me during this nightmare is when I saw the surveillance tape of Deepak‘s gray Honda.  You know, I know that she‘s in there. 

WITT:  In that same week, yet another arrest.  Geoffrey Van Cromvoirt is behind bars for his alleged connection to the Holloway case.  He‘s also facing drug charges.  He stays locked up for nine days before being released, but police say he remains a suspect. 

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  Did your client know Natalee Holloway?  Did they ever meet?  Do you know?


WITT:  May 17 Natalee‘s parents go to court to tell a judge why their civil case against Joran Van Der Sloot should remain in New York. 

B. TWITTY:  It would be the best chance at Natalee getting justice that we will ever have.  And that‘s why we want it here. 

WITT:  That same guy, 19-year-old Guido Wever is locked up in the Netherlands.  The friend of Joran Van Der Sloot faces a return to Aruba for more questioning.

But six days later he‘s also out of jail, leaving the case in limbo. 


COSBY:  And there‘s been no shortage of theories about what happened to Natalee and for her family.  They are not ready to give up.  We‘ll hear from them right after the break. 

And also how “America‘s Most Wanted” is now helping in the case even more.  And speaking of most wanted, polygamous cult leader Warren Jeffs.  We‘ve got a big update.  That‘s coming up next.


COSBY:  And there‘s a lot more coming up here on MSNBC tonight.  Let‘s check in with Tucker Carlson now with a preview.  Tucker, what do you have in half an hour?

TUCKER CARLSON, HOST, “ON THE RECORD”:  Rita, we‘ll tell you about the very latest about the Marines who may be charged with killing civilians in Iraq. 

We‘ll tell you about a feud Oprah Winfrey is embroiled in. 

And we‘ll also tell you about the old wives tale eating certain foods can improve your sex life.  Well, it turns out science has proved it accurate.  We‘re going to get very specific on what foods you need to eat to increase your libido.  G-rated but still useful.

COSBY:  And Tucker, are you rushing to the grocery store based on that?

CARLSON:  I have my larder packed with them already.  I‘ve already seen the research. 

COSBY:  I knew you were on top of all that.  All right, Tucker.  Thank you very much.

CARLSON:  Thank you, Rita.

COSBY:  We‘ll tune you in just a minute from now.

And more now on the first anniversary of the disappearance of Alabama teenager Natalee Holloway.  It was one year ago today that the high school senior went out to a bar with friends during a trip to Aruba and then suddenly vanished.  Even though no one has been held responsible, “America‘s Most Wanted” is stepping up their effort this weekend, by featuring the Holloway investigation. 

Live and direct right now is Natalee‘s father, Dave.  And also joining us is reporter Rick Segall with “America‘s Most Wanted”.

You know, Dave—you know, it‘s been a year.  Do you have any faith that this is going to be solved still?

HOLLOWAY:  Yes, I‘m just about to give up on the Aruban judicial system.  But you know, you always think that just right around the corner we‘re going to get the answer.  And we‘ve been thinking that for a year now, and I just hope that, you know, if we keep our faith and keep on plugging away that we‘ll get the answers one of these days. 

COSBY:  How frustrating to you has it been?  You and I have talked so many times.  Here it is a year later and still no one held responsible. 

HOLLOWAY:  You know, yesterday I was looking back on the case.  And you know, it was Memorial Day weekend.  And in fact she disappeared on a Monday, and you know, it‘s kind of deja vu all over again.  And we received the call and then made arrangements to go to Aruba. 

But one of the things that really stands out in my mind is how the lead investigator initially handled the case.  Basically when I met him, he steered us off: “Go to Carlos ‘n‘ Charlie‘s and she‘ll show up, you know, one of these days.”  And that never happened, you know, he kind of steered us away from, really, the real meat of the investigation.  That was these three suspects, and you know, they had all the time in the world to cover their tracks. 

COLMES:  You bet.  And, you know, that‘s one of the things, Rick, that you‘ve been looking at on “America‘s Most Wanted”.  Why did you think it was important to profile it this weekend?  Are you hoping maybe you‘ll get some tips, maybe some calls might come in?

RICK SEGALL, “AMERICA‘S MOST WANTED”:  You know, watching your time line here, a great time line, over the course of the past year, emotionally exhausting.  And we weren‘t even the ones who lived through this.  It was Dave and Beth and their families. 

We‘re taking a little bit of a different approach this Saturday.  Dave and Beth have done an amazing job keeping Natalee‘s case in the spotlight.  And I think they would both admit that Beth has sort of been the face for the family here a little bit more than Dave has. 

So after talking to both Beth and Dave, we decided that we were going to focus on what it‘s been like as a parent to go through this past year, to do it from Dave‘s perspective, as well as talking about to a classmate who‘s never done any interviews with the media before.  She‘s coming forward.

COSBY:  Rick—what did—what did that classmate say and why is she finally talking now after all this time, Rick?

SEGALL:  She had an awful lot of anxiety and said that the thought of doing it in the past has sort of put her in tears.  And she‘s finally at that point, I think, after hearing rumor and speculation, helping us to put some rumors to bed, to set the record straight on exactly when Natalee met Joran, things of that sort to sort of set, as I said, some speculation to rest as well as hoping that by coming out, telling her story perhaps it‘s going to help jog somebody‘s memory and to help the Holloway family. 

COSBY:  You know, Rick, you guys have covered so many cases, I think better than anybody.  And if you look at it today how bungled do you think the cops—you know, that investigated this case in Aruba, how much do you think they messed up the investigation?  Is it repairable at this point?

SEGALL:  At this point, at the one-year point, you have to look back at all of the missed opportunities, the things that could have been done in the first hours, the first days, the first weeks.  And you know, it makes your head reel.  But unfortunately, there‘s nothing that can be done about that right now.  You have to focus on, as of today, what can be done. 

So we‘ve always said at “America‘s Most Wanted” it only takes one tip and getting information out to the right person to provide the tip.  In Saturday‘s show we‘re going to be directing people to “Opsvering Versadt” (ph), the Dutch version of “America‘s Most Wanted”.  We‘ve got transcripts from their show.  We‘ve got clues.  We‘ve got information from them we want our viewers to see and take a look at as well.  And we‘re still hopeful.  Perhaps in a month or so a deep water search can yield more information.

COSBY:  In fact, we‘re putting u p—I want to show to our viewers.  This is a sketch of one of the guys who exposed himself on the beach to somebody else soon before Natalee disappeared. 

You know, Dave, as you hear all this—and let‘s just pray, because “America‘s Most Wanted” gets all these tips that come in.  Are you still hopeful that maybe somebody might come forward?  Or do you think they would have by now? 

And this is also—this is the surveillance video as she left Carlos ‘n‘ Charlie‘s. 

Did you hope that someone‘s going to still come forward, or do you think it‘s behind that point?

HOLLOWAY:  Well, there‘s always a possibility that someone will come forward.  You know, these three guys were the last ones seen with Natalee, and there are still witnesses out there I believe could help us out. 

COSBY:  Dave, what do you say to people that say it‘s been a year, maybe it‘s time to move on?  How do you feel when you hear that?

HOLLOWAY:  Well, if you have children you‘ll understand a lot more, that you don‘t give up on your kids.  And you‘ll go and keep swinging the bat even if you‘re down and out.  You‘ll get back up and look at the picture on the wall or whatever it may be and then go back again after them. 

COSBY:  You bet.  If it was someone I loved, I‘d be fighting the same fight.  Dave, thank you very much. 

HOLLOWAY:  Thank you.

COSBY:  And Rick we hope that you get some good results.  Please come back and let us know what you‘re getting.  Thank you very much.

And everybody still ahead, new information on polygamist cult leader Warren Jeffs, who is on the run and on the FBI‘s most wanted list.  We‘ll hear from the FBI and two women who escaped his bizarre polygamous cult.  I‘ll ask them where they think he could be tonight.


COSBY:  And tonight new development in the hunt for polygamist cult leader Warren Jeffs.  Law enforcement officials are not backing down.  The FBI is now beefing up its search for the fugitive who just weeks ago made the list of the country‘s top 10 most dangerous criminals.

He‘s wanted for forcing polygamist marriages between teenage girls and older men.  The big question remains, where is Warren Jeffs?

Back with us now is FBI special agent Timothy Furhman. 

Agent, why are we beefing up the law enforcement?  Is there some tip?

FUHRMAN:  Well, Rita, we have had a number of call-ins and a number of  tips that have come in.  I wouldn‘t necessarily say we‘re beefing up.  We‘re just expanding the area where we are investigating, involving a number of law enforcement offices and different FBI offices and different techniques that we‘re employing.

COSBY:  Now I know you can‘t tell me everything, but how wide is the search at least?  Because we were hearing, agent, you know, I think when you and I were talking earlier there was word maybe he might be in Texas.  There was some word even in Mexico.  How wide is the search now?

FUHRMAN:  Well, when we put someone on the “Top 10” list we make the assumption it could be considered worldwide.  So I think we have to make that assumption to know the people that are on the top 10 list are international fugitives.  And we‘re going to make an assumption that he could be anywhere.  We are concentrating in various different places where we have had some of those tips come in. 

COSBY:  We understand there was also some search warrants that were served last week.  Can you tell us where, because we know from investigators at least some were served?

FUHRMAN:  In that particular case, Rita, it was done by Arizona authorities, and I would refer not to discuss that.  It was in the Colorado City-Hilldale area, and that‘s about all I know about those particular search warrants. 

COSBY:  And real quick, why has it been so tough to find this guy?  Is it the money?  Is it that he‘s got such devout followers?  The combination?

FUHRMAN:  Well, you never know what the reason are—reasons are.  We look at Mr. Rudolph, who was on the top 10 list for quite awhile.  And we know why one of the reasons he was—he was holed up in the mountains.

So it could be the fact that he is different than a lot of fugitives in that he does have what we believe are some financial resources, and some various properties across the country.  That makes him somewhat different from other fugitives, in that he has some support that—he doesn‘t have to come out hiding.  He gets support from other areas, we believe.

COSBY:  Well, sir, keep us posted.  Best of luck to you in your search with you and the guys. 

And everybody, when we come back, escaping Warren Jeffs‘ polygamous sect.  Two women who will share their unbelievable stories.  And pictures of what they left behind.


COSBY:  And we‘re back with the hunt for fugitive polygamist Warren Jeffs.  The FBI is now adding more manpower to deal with all the tips and all the leads coming in about this very high-profile case. 

And with me now are two women who managed to get away from Jeffs‘ polygamous sect, Fawn Broadbent, and also back with us again, we have Flora Jessup, who actually helped Fawn make her escape. 

You know, Fawn, you were one of how many kids when you were living there?


COSBY:  Fourteen.  And what was life like?

BROADBENT:  Life was like having someone tell you how to dress, what choices to make, where to work, who to marry.  Life was nothing like the world out here you know. 

COSBY:  You know, what made you want to get out?   Because we have some video that we got from Michael Watkins of KTVK, who‘s done a lot of coverage of Warren Jeffs.  We have some pretty incredible video here.

What made you decide, “OK, one day, I‘m going to get out”?

BROADBENT:  It started when my oldest brother left and I started to be able to see a little bit more of the outside world.  And got more curious and then I wanted to further my education.  I wanted to be able to choose who I married, what I married.  I wanted to know—you know, I wanted to decide how many children I had.  I wanted to live without fear in my life for once. 

COSBY:  And how scared were you?

BROADBENT:  I was scared to death.  I was afraid that I‘d get caught and heaven knows what would happen to me.  I would probably be locked up and married. 

COSBY:  You know, Flora, it‘s amazing when you see this.  You were art of the rescue.  How did you get contacted about Fawn?

FLORA JESSUP, FORMER POLYGAMIST:  I was contacted by a lady that she had gone to in one of the outlying communities, and that was all it took. 

COSBY:  And how, like, secret and how careful did you have to be?  This woman was clearly very scared.  How did you orchestrate the whole thing?

JESSUP:  I moved into a safe location and then made the trip up.  You know, it‘s a matter of getting in fast and getting out fast when you get these kids, because these girls are hunted down when they try and leave. 

COSBY:  And how often does that happen when they are hunted down?

JESSUP:  Girls?  Every time. 

COSBY:  Every time?

JESSUP:  Every time. 

COSBY:  And what, do they just—they get word through a family member?  How do they locate them?

JESSUP:  The girls try and run out.  And they send members of the community to bring them back.  And it‘s a frightening, horrific situation, because these kids are running into a world that they‘ve been taught that is the most evil, wicked world and that they‘re damning themselves to hell. 

COSBY:  You know, Fawn, you grew up in the sect.  Tell us some of the things and what you thought about Warren Jeffs?

BROADBENT:  I‘ve never liked Warren Jeffs.  He‘s always had an eerie feeling to him.  I don‘t like his monotone voice.  I don‘t like the fact that he was tearing families apart.  I didn‘t like the fact of waking up and not knowing who I would call father that day.  I never wanted that to happen.  And I knew that he would do that. 

COSBY:  What type of relationships did you see him have with other younger women?  And did you ever experience anything yourself?

BROADBENT:  I seen him marry very young women at least 10 years younger than him, and I‘ve seen them in like churches and social things, and they‘re not happy.  They don‘t want to be there, but they‘re there against their will. 

COSBY:  Fawn, how do you see this ending?  Because a lot of people say they see this almost like a Waco style ending.  How do you see it?  You know Warren Jeffs.

BROADBENT:  I am afraid of a Waco situation.  But I hope for the best that hopefully we‘ll be able to take him down and get help into the community as fast as we can.  But I don‘t see those people opening up to the outside world because of what they‘ve been taught their whole lives about the outside world. 

COSBY:  They‘re so brainwashed?


COSBY:  You know, Flora, how do you see it ending, as now it‘s going into a few weeks?

JESSUP:  I‘m hoping for the best, as well.  You know, this is our families that are involved.  I think that there is a lot of fear on law enforcement‘s art, and I think...

COSBY:  Where do you think he is tonight, real quick?  Where do you think he is?

JESSUP:  I think he‘s traveling.  I think he‘s been traveling around from his—compound to compound. 

COSBY:  Fawn, do you agree?  Fawn?

BROADBENT:  Yes, I think he‘s going in circles.  I don‘t know why they haven‘t found this out.  I mean, going from compound to compound, just as Flora said. 

COSBY:  Well, both of you, we hope that they catch this man.  Of course, enforcement (ph) beefed up.  So it sounds like everybody is looking for him all over the world.  Both of you thank you very much.

And everybody stick with us, because coming up tomorrow, actor Dan Aykroyd unplugged on UFO‘s.  The one-time ghost buster talks about his close encounters with the unknown. 

Also, see some of what some say are real-life UFO‘s.  That‘s going to be tomorrow night right here on LIVE AND DIRECT.

And that does it for me tonight.  I‘m Rita Cosby.  “THE SITUATION WITH TUCKER” starts right now—Tucker.

CARLSON:  Thank you, Rita, I‘ll watch that.  That sounds great.

COSBY:  Thank you.

CARLSON:  Thanks to you at home, too, for tuning in.  We appreciate it, as always.



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