Meet the Press links — Sunday, May 11

Two former DNC Chairmen: Obama supporter Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Clinton campaign Chairman Terry McAuliffe weigh in on Clinton's continuing candidacy and what it means for the Democratic Party. Plus, a political roundtable with Chris Cillizza, John Harwood, Michele Norris and Jerry Seib.


Want to know more about this week's guests and topics?

Try clicking on some of these links:


Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT), Obama supporter | Bio | Obama campaign Web site

Terry McAuliffe, Chairman, Clinton campaign | Bio | Clinton campaign Web site

Chris Cillizza, Washington Post, Author, "The Fix" at | Bio | "The Fix"

John Harwood, Author, "Pennsylvania Avenue: Profiles in Backroom Power;" New York Times;  
Chief Washington Correspondent, CNBC | Bio | "Pennsylvania Avenue: Profiles in Backroom Power" | Read an excerpt

Michele Norris, Host, NPR's "All Things Considered" | Bio

Gerald Seib, Author, "Pennsylvania Avenue: Profiles in Backroom Power;" Wall Street Journal | Bio | "Pennsylvania Avenue: Profiles in Backroom Power" | Read an excerpt


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