June 22, 2008

Exclusive! NBC's Brian Williams moderates a Decision 2008 debate: For the Obama campaign — Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE). For the McCain campaign — Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC).  Graham and Biden square off on Iraq, the economy and rising gas prices. Plus, a political roundtable with John Harwood and Andrea Mitchell.


Obama Supporter
Chairman, Foreign Relations Committee

National Co-Chair, McCain Campaign

NBC News

New York Times
Chief Washington Correspondent, CNBC

Dear Viewers,

Friday morning of last week, Tim Russert was hard at work preparing for Sunday's upcoming interview with Senators Lindsey Graham and Joe Biden. He was excited and so looking forward to having both these Senators together, on the "Meet the Press" set, debating the hot issues of the presidential race.

As you know, tragically that show never happened.

This Sunday, both Senators Graham and Biden have graciously agreed to appear here to have that Decision 2008 debate. It will be the debate that Tim was so looking forward to and it is the debate that I think he would want us to proceed with. We are fortunate that NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams will be here to moderate.

We will also have a political roundtable with Andrea Mitchell of NBC News and John Harwood of CNBC and the New York Times.

And to close the show, in memory of Tim, we will have a special look back at this week's services and tributes to our leader and friend.

With thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers,

Betsy Fischer
Executive Producer
NBC News, "Meet the Press"