Halloweed? Denver Police Warn About Pot-Infused Candy

Colorado cops are warning parents to keep an eye out for marijuana-laced candy in their children's trick-or-treat hauls this Halloween.


The Denver Police Department is warning parents to keep an eye out for marijuana-laced candy in their children's trick-or-treat hauls this Halloween to ensure the only buzz the kids get is a sugar high. The department posted a video on their Facebook page featuring Patrick Johnson, the owner of a Denver marijuana shop called Urban Dispensary. Johnson explains that pot-infused treats are often just mass-produced candy that's been sprayed with hash oil. "Once that candy dries, there's really no way to tell the difference between infused candy and candy that’s not infused,” Johnson said in the video. Johnson and the Denver Police Department urge parents to inspect any candy their trick-or-treaters bring home to make sure it's in original packaging that hasn't been tampered with.

Some pointed out in comments on the Facebook post of the video that marijuana edibles are expensive, and therefore unlikely to be given out for Halloween. But that might not stop a motivated or a careless person, a Cannabist article argued. "Since 2005, states that allow some form of legal marijuana have seen a 30 percent annual increase in calls to poison control centers for marijuana ingestion," according to Children's Hospital Colorado.


— Elisha Fieldstadt