6 Speed Reads: Poveglia, Most Haunted Place on Earth, Is for Sale

In your midday reads: Italy's haunted island is up for auction, Packers fans find love and a 'Mrs. Doubtfire' sequel is in the works.

Poveglia, a small, deserted island in the Venetian lagoon Blom UK via Getty Images

1. The Most Haunted Place on Earth Is Up for Auction

Looking for a new place to get your thrills? Search no further. The Italian government is auctioning off a 99-year lease on a small island called Poveglia located in the Venice lagoon. In the 18th century, the plague was discovered on two ships headed to Venice, and Poveglia was used to quarantine the sick passengers. The island then became a place to quarantine those with infectious diseases. As the death toll increased, people began to claim the island was haunted. But the creepiness doesn’t stop there. In 1922, the island was converted into a hospital for the mentally ill and tales of botched lobotomies and crazy doctors fueled the spooky reputation. And now, all of this could be yours. Any takers?

2. Wisconsin’s for (Football) Lovers

You’ve heard of JDate, ChristianMingle and BlackPeopleMeet, but where’s the niche online dating website for sports fans? If your team is the NFL’s defending NFC North Champions, GreenBayPackerLovers.com has you covered. The site started last month and is dedicated to any serious and single Cheese Head. The site should prove to be an interesting place to find love. Everyone from Larry the Cable Guy to Lil’ Wayne has declared themselves part of Packer Nation.

3. ‘Mrs. Doubtfire’ Sequel in the Works

If you grew up in the 90s or are a Robin Williams fan, this news has the potential to make you very happy. There is a ‘Mrs. Doubtfire’ sequel in development at FOX2000 and Robin Williams is reportedly on board. Apparently a sequel had been in the works for more than a decade, but the project slowly fizzled. Now, thanks to a new writer, the script is gaining momentum. According to the Hollywood Reporter, “while it’s too soon to predict if all the elements will ultimately come together,” prospects are looking up.

4. Teen Pees in Portland’s Water Supply

The city of Portland, Ore., is preparing to dump millions of gallons of drinking water after one teenager answered the call of nature. On Wednesday, security cameras captured three teens near Mt. Tabor Reservoir No. 5, one of whom approached the iron fence, hitched up his pants and relieved himself in the reservoir. All three were cited for trespassing, and the brazen 19-year-old received a ticket for public urination. The water poses little risk to the public, but still, it’s pee. Luckily, Oregon doesn’t count itself among the drought-stricken states in the West, so it can easily replace those tainted 38 million gallons of water.

5. Taste With Your Eyes

Would a bright blue chicken make your mouth water? Probably not. But food dyes are often used to set off triggers in our minds that make us want to eat a certain item over another. An expert explained to NPR that people first taste with their eyes. For example, different red tones can suggest food is sweeter than foods with green tones. And blue can spoil an appetite. Children, however, might perceive things differently. Enter the blue slushie.

6. A High School’s Epic Lip Sync

No one does school spirit quite like these guys. Seriously, how many schools get their entire student body to make a lip sync video? And it’s for a good cause. The 2,700 students of Avon High School in Avon, Ind., united for a video in which they lip sync to a mash-up of 68 songs. The school needed only one take to film the six and a half minute video, and the whole thing is choreographed, too. The video was created to raise money for the Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis. Watch it here and be sure to stick it out until the grand finale. It’s the best part.