6 Speed Reads: Powder That Turns Into Alcohol Approved by Feds

In today's midday reads: A powder that instantly turns water into alcohol is approved by Feds, Oscar Mayer recalls hot dogs and Game Boy turns 25.

Close-up of a glass of margarita (40260 via AP Images)AP

1. Instant Powdered Alcohol Approved by Feds

The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau has reportedly approved a new brand of powdered alcohol that can be mixed with water. Palcohol, the company producing the powdered flavors, says the packs will be available in fall of 2014. The powders include Vodka, Rum, Mojito, Cosmopolitan, Lemon Drop, and Powderita, which the company says will taste just like a Margarita. Palcohol will only be available where alcohol is sold and the company warns its future 21 and over customers to drink responsibly.

2. Runaway Teen Survives 5-Hour Flight Inside Jet Wheel

A 16-year-old boy somehow survived a flight halfway across the Pacific Ocean while stowed away in the plane’s wheel well. The boy allegedly snuck aboard the Hawaiian Airlines flight in San Jose, Calif., after running away from home. Despite the freezing temperatures and the lack of oxygen at 38,000 feet, the boy emerged from the flight confused but unharmed. The airline said he is “exceptionally lucky to have survived.” Maui Airport workers found the stowaway wandering on the tarmac with no identification. The boy was released to child protective services and there is no word if he will be charged.

3. Oscar Mayer Recalls 96,000 lbs Hot Dogs

Hopefully you haven’t stocked up on hot dogs for grilling season yet, because Oscar Mayer recalled 96,000 pounds of hot dogs on Monday. Apparently, the company’s cheese dogs were wrapped in Classic Weiner packaging, which could cause major problems for those with dairy allergies. On Friday, a customer alerted Oscar Mayer to the mistake and the company reported the incident to the U.S. Department of Agriculture the next day. So far there are no reports of illness linked to the recall.

4. What Did You Just Say?: Kids and Swearing

You never know what’s going to come out of a child’s mouth. But if you swear like a sailor, chances are your child will too. Dr. Timothy Jay, a psychologist and expert in swearing, says kids are like “little language vacuum cleaners” that pick up whatever they hear. Lots of parents who worry about “dirty” words may punish their kids to deter them, but Dr. Jay says they might be fighting a losing battle. So instead of turning to the old wash-their-mouths-with-soap method, he suggests focusing on the positive uses of these words. "Their use in humor, their use in bonding, their use as a relief from pain or venting or frustration — I look at this as an evolutionary advantage.” Dr. Jay said. “It must do something for us.”

5. Boy Scouts Still Oppose Gay Leaders

Despite a decision to accept gay youth into its ranks last year, it appears the Boy Scouts of America are still against allowing gay leaders to join. The organization recently informed a Seattle-area church that it can no longer support its troop because the troop leader, Geoff McGrath, is gay. McGrath is believed to be the first openly gay leader to be removed since the Scouts began admitting gay youth. The church’s Rev. Monica Corsaro told NBC News, “Breaking us up like this seems to go against everything the Boy Scouts is about.”

6. Game Boy Turns 25

Today we celebrate Nintendo Game Boy’s 25th birthday. Released in Japan on April 21, 1989, and later that year in the U.S., Nintendo revolutionized portable video game playing by allowing gamers to take Super Mario and other classics like Tetris anywhere they wanted. It made those long car rides with mom and dad go by so much faster. Game Boy lasted 14 years before it was discontinued in 2003. It inspired current gaming devices like Sony’s Vita and even Apple’s iPhone and iPad. Thanks for the memories, Game Boy.