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Save up to $350 off these refurbished robot vacuums

Check out these refurbished robot vacuums all on sale. They're the next best thing to having a live-in housekeeper and they're actually affordable.
/ Source: StackCommerce

Sometimes technology can be a real pain. Other times, however, it can truly make our lives easier. Take smart vacuums, for example. Thanks to technology, we can sit back and binge the newest Netflix series while a robot does the dirty work.

Check out these refurbished robot vacuums that are all on sale. They're the next best thing to having a live-in housekeeper and they're actually affordable. A dream, some would say.

1. ECOVACS DEEBOT 901 Robotic Vacuum Cleaner (Refurbished)

The ECOVACS DEEBOT 901 ensures you'll come home to spotless floors every time, making it perfect for those who lead busy lives. It uses Smart Navi Mapping and Navigation Technology to scan and map your space so it won't miss a spot. Plus, with Google Home and Amazon Alexa connections, you can direct it with your phone or voice.

2. Samsung POWERbot R7070 Pet Robot Vacuum (Certified Refurbished)

Smart and 40 times more powerful than conventional robot vacuums, the Samsung POWERbot R7070 has the ability to adjust its suction power based on the floor surface it's on. It was designed specifically to clean pet hair, with a Self Clean Brush that automatically detangles and removes pet hair around it. Oh, and it can tackle all those hard-to-reach areas like corners and wall edges thanks to an Edge clean master.

3. Samsung POWERbot R7040 Robot Vacuum (Certified Refurbished)

The POWERbot R7040 can see all obstacles in its way, thanks to Visionary Mapping Plus and FullView Sensor 2.0. It will scour your home and create an ideal cleaning path, avoiding any and all obstacles that pop up. It also features EasyPass wheels that help it move smoothly from one surface to another and recharge and resume technology that allows it to return to its docking station when it runs out of juice.

4. Samsung POWERbot R9350 Turbo Robot Vacuum (Certified Refurbished)

Delivering a whopping 70 times more cleaning power than your run-of-the-mill circular vacuum, the POWERbot 9350 is a force to be reckoned with. It uses CycloneForce technology to provide long-lasting suction power with less clogging, and a point cleaning feature that lets you point the remote where you want it to go. Plus, this smart vacuum also lets you select the rooms you want to clean remotely, so you can spruce things up even while you're out and about.

5. ECOVACS Deebot Robot Vacuum Cleaner & Canister Vacuum Station

The Deebot takes the futuristic technology of robot vacuums to the next level with the ability to automatically empty itself in a docking station. It uses Smart Navi technology to tidy up your entire living space and remembers where it left off if it loses battery power midway through. Plus, with the companion app, you can schedule its cleaning sessions, choose priority areas, and more.

6. iRobot Roomba 805 Robotic Vacuum (Certified Refurbished)

Everyone's heard of Roomba and it's easy to see why it's become a household name. It features the powerful AeroForce Cleaning System, which delivers up to five times more air power as it weaves through your space. Its iAdapt Responsive Navigation allows it to clean under and around your furniture while avoiding obstacles in its way and smoothly transitioning between floor types. Plus, its Dirt Detect technology finds where high concentrations of dirt, dust, and pet hair are around your home and eliminates them.

7. Samsung POWERbot R9250 Robot Vacuum (Certified Refurbished)

Designed to smoothly transition between surfaces, the POWERbot R9250 creates its own obstacle-free cleaning path and delivers up to 50 times more powerful cleaning no matter the floor type. And with WiFi connectivity, you can easily control it remotely with your smartphone or voice-enabled device.

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